So it's been a while. I don't have anything in particular interesting to say. I'm eating cold pizza and sitting with my cat, enjoying the last 45 minutes before I have to drive back to Brolando and go to work at 5:45. I spent this past weekend at Harvest of Hope, which was pretty great suffice it to say. There is nothing like waking up drunk at 8 am, to fall out of your tent face first into a pile of dirt. Mmmm. Tastes like fucking victory.
Anyway, I've begun to realize something about going to shows. Maybe it's the fact that I'm slowly getting older, but I'm finding out that more and more, I hate some of the people who still go to shows of my favorite bands. Take Against Me! for example. They use to be this tiny little band that everyone thought sucked, until they put out a popular album, at which point everyone exceptionlessly thought that "the old stuff was better". Nevermind the fact that when Reinventing Axl Rose was released in 2000-whatever, everyone thought it sucked harder than a coked out hooker. Now they have good production and shit, maaaaaan. Gotta hate them. They sold out because, somewhere, between the ages of 17 and 30, they changed their mind. They decided that, as valiant of a fucking effort as it was, they couldn't deal with trying to play shows for free and what not. And who could fucking blame them? If you could make a living doing what you love over what you're forced to accept as a suitable alternative, you'd be crazy not to do it. It's not selling out people; it's growing up.
Needless to say, I just hate hearing people vehemently trash a band's music while they are sitting right there watching them. I feel like if you can't at least put aside your personal gripes for the songs they are playing, then don't watch them right up at the front. Go towards the back, drink your hipster beer, and talk to your friends about the good old days when x-band didn't suck. Different strokes for different folks, and I understand that, but don't ruin other people's good time just because you aren't having a good time. Then no one wins. I don't like to hear whining about music I'm enjoying while I'm enjoying it, just as much you wouldn't want me up there, standing with my arms crossed and bitching about how I hate the old stuff.
I'm only 20, but I swear I was in crowds with 10 year olds this whole weekend. Bitchy, whiney 10 year olds who can't cope with the fact that SOME bands get bored of playing songs that they have played for upwards of 10 years now.
I know this wasn't exactly the most positive, upbeat entry or anything, but it's something I had to get out there. And...get excited for more posts from now on. At least over spring break.
So long, and thanks for all the lists
12 years ago
alright. welcome back. i missed you and am looking forward to the bounty of your writings spring break will bring me. =]
I'm going to see Against Me! next month in Gainesville. I thoroughly enjoy that band. I swear, if there's a barricade of twerps in the front row bitching about their music, blows may be thrown.
Also, saw Gaslight Anthem for free the other night at Common Grounds. I'd never really given them much attention, but they're good. Any opinion on that?
I LOVE gaslight anthem. Seriously they've morphed into one of my favorite bands ever recently.
^^ good to know. I'll be getting some of their music in the coming days. Glad I'm in good company with liking them.
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