Thursday, April 30, 2009

Neglecting this thing like my health

So, dreadfully sorry for the complete lack of updates.  I've been busy with a lot of things.  Mostly procrastinating.  Procrastinating seems to take up a lot of my time actually.  I waited until 12 hours before it was due to start my 8 page research paper.  All of these late nights and caffeine binges, however, are pretty much guaranteeing the fact that my health currently sucks.  I woke up this morning coughing and feeling like I had just been steamrolled.  So, thanks to my currently ailing health, I'm bombing Airborne like an AIDS patient, hoping that my immune system can make a Joe Montana comeback before the lack of sleep/liver abuse that is going to come next week in going to Chicago and Philadelphia.   

Needless to say though, I'm really excited.  This is the first time as an adult that I've been able to go on an out of state trip.  I probably would have gone last summer, or even the summer before that, but money has always been short, and gas has always been expensive.  Now is the perfect time though.  I'm ready to go and experience shit on my own in places I've never been.  Needless to say, I will be documenting this at any moment possible.  So expect some fun posts about that.  

Anyway, work, so l8er sk8ers.  



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